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Civil War Crochet Patterns

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The Blue and the Gray: Quilt Patterns using Civil War Fabrics
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The Civil War Sewing Circle: Quilts and Sewing Accessories Inspired by the Era
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Civil War Remembered: 19 Quilts Using Reproduction Fabrics
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Loyal Union Sampler from Elm Creek Quilts: 121 Traditional Blocks – Quilt Along with the Women of the Civil War
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Civil War Legacies II: 17 Small Quilt Patterns for Reproduction Fabrics
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The Ladies’ Hand Book of Fancy and Ornamental Work: Directions and Patterns from the Civil War Era (Dover Books on Knitting and Crochet)
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The Civil War Diary Quilt: 121 Stories and The Quilt Blocks They Inspired
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Four Centuries of Quilts: The Colonial Williamsburg Collection (Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)
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Amish Quilts: 30 Traditional Patterns and More Than 200 Inspiring Photographs of Amish Quilts
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Utility Quilting: Simple Solutions for Quick Hand Quilting: Easy, Stress Free Ways to Quickly Hand Quilt Your Quilts
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Remembering Adelia: Quilts Inspired by Her Diary
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Civil War Era Knit and Crochet Patterns
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Small Pieces, Spectacular Quilts: Patterns Inspired by Antique Quilts
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Patchwork Quilts: Traditional Scandinavian Designs for the Modern Quiltmaker
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Red, White, and Sometimes Blue: Classics from McCall’s Quilting
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